5x better; 15x BTST limit; 10x Delivery limit; 60 mins account opening, faster; 5 ways to trade, better
than your existing stock brocker

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50 Times Intraday Limit

1 Paisa Brokerage 0.01% each side

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Intraday Trading

5x Higher than Intraday limit than your existing stock broker
5x Lower Brokerage limit than your existing stock broker
5x Trading Limit for Intraday

Options Trading

5x lower than your existing stock broker.

BTST Trading Limit

Highest Ever Trading Limit for Buy Today Sell Tomorrow Trades

Delivery Trading Limit
No more T+5/7
auto square up

Unlimited Debit Carry Forward
Simply ensure payment of 10% margin (ten times limit) plus MTM loss (if any) on daily closing basis.
Hold stocks for as long as 10 years, err virtually unlimited by simply paying 10% margin & MTM at a flat interest of 0.05% per day of debit value.
No more losing money on cash market delivery trades due to margin shortage & auto square up after 5 or 7 days.
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